PVinsights announces worldwide 2010 top 10 ranking of PV
module makers
PV module maker, Suntech topped the ranking in 2010 In 2010, Suntech became the largest PV module maker in the world among silicon
or thin-film technologies, with respect to shipments. The PV module shipments
of Suntech in 2010 was around 1.5 GW (Giga-Watt). The largest thin-film PV
module maker, First solar lost the PV module championship to Suntech owing to
its conservative PV module expansion in 2010. Sharp remained in the No. 3
position and also acted as the largest Japanese PV module producer. Yingli and Trina Solar kept showing their ambition in the shipment
expansion of PV modules. Yingli and Trina Solar were no.4 and no.5 respectively
in 2010, which were the same as 2009 ranking. Canadian went up to no.6 in 2010, while Sunpower fell to No. 8 and
yielded its position to Canadian. REC was the first time into top 10 ranking of
PV module makers, which means upstream PV material supplier are following the
trend of vertical integration. Solarworld, which was the No. 9 in 2009 named the No. 10 PV module maker in

PV market growth in 2010 begins the Giga-Watt game With over 100% year-on-year growth
in PV system installation, PV module makers rose up their shipments rapidly.
They actively expanded their capacity and turned themselves into Giga-watt (GW)
Player. According to PVinsights, five of top 10 PV module companies in 2010 are
GW player. Suntech, First Solar, Sharp, Yingli, Trina Solar are GW players now
and most of them doubled their shipments in 2010. In the Giga-Watt game of PV
module production, Suntech topped the PV module ranking in 2010 with 121%
year-on-year growth in shipment. First solar, the largest PV module maker in
2009, went down to No. 2 with a conservative 26.8% year-on-year shipment growth
in 2010. Sharp named No. 3 in
the ranking with 85% year-on-year shipment growth in 2010, thanks to more
active 2010 expansion policy. YingLi and TrinaSolar were the 4th and
5th PV module makers from the survey of PVinsights. They were also
GW players with astonishing 102% and 165% year-on-year shipment growth in 2010
accordingly. The companies from 6th to 10th are Canadian, Hanwha Solarone,
SunPower, REC,Solarworld accordingly from the survey of PVinsights.
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